Hope Is Not A Strategy (Digging Into Sales Enablement)
John Barrows and Roderick Jefferson discusses: The shifting approach to Sales Enablement Why you need to be a sales enablement practitioner How to learn from people smarter than you Click here to listen to the full...
Putting Some KICK In Your Sales Kickoff!
Sales Kick-off is a critical step in starting out your fiscal year strong!!! It’s even more critical that you maintain momentum month after month after your sales kick-off is said and done. In this webinar, you’ll hear from the former head of sales enablement from...
Top 10 Things I Learned As A 1st Time Business Owner
Staying in a 9-5 job is an easy choice… Even as an Executive, you have depth but not necessarily breadth of experience & responsibility. All of the comforts of Corporate America disappears the moment you decide to “hang your shingle. Why? You’re now the...